ABC Radio - River Lives - in Goolwa
As part of the ABC Radio’s “River Lives” program that had broadcasts from Menindee Lakes, Broken Hill, Pooncarie, Renmark and Mannum, Cassie Hough presented the Country Hour and Jules Schiller presented Drive from Signal Pont Gallery in Goolwa. Cassie interviewed Colin Grundy from Mundoo Island Station, Tom Robinson from Goolwa Pipi Co and Luke Mosley who is a soil scientist. Jules interviewed Jarrad Eaton from Department of Environment and Water, Colin Grundy, Cr Melissa Rebbeck Chair of Region 6 of the Murray Darling Association, Steve Wallis from Goolwa Bakery (with a vanilla slice), Assoc. Prof. David Patton from the School of Biological Sciences at Adelaide Uni, Dr Nick Whitewright an aquatic ecologist (had some Yarra Pigmy Perch which is nearly extinct), Mayor Keith Parkes, Christine Putland from Cittaslow Goolwa, Brenton Carle and Garry Hera-Singh from the Southern Fishermen’s Association. It was a great opportunity to promote Goolwa and to show positive developments in the face of environmental challenges.